WSDA specialty crop grant administrator

is a program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It funds
collaborative, multi-state projects that address these regional or national
specialty crop issues:
- Food safety
- Plant pests and disease
- Research
- Crop-specific projects addressing common issues
- Marketing and promotion
Washington is one of 18 states accepting applications from
industry organizations, associations, or other state departments for these
grants. All SCMP proposals must have at least two partners substantially
involved in the project, and partners must be located in different states.
How to apply
If you have a project to propose for funding, submit an
application by the deadline of 8:59 p.m. (PST), Dec. 15, 2015, to: Be sure to follow the submittal guidelines in
USDA’s Request for Applications and additional applicant guidance, which can be
found on the SCMP
How to Apply page.
WSDA will screen proposals to make sure they’re complete and
meet requirements, and then submit applications to USDA for consideration.
For more information about this grant funding opportunity:
- Contact WSDA’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program at 360-902-2091 or email
- See our SCBGP web page
- USDA press release