Karla Salp
Pest Program Outreach Coordinator
Although the state is still either frozen or soggy depending on your location, it won’t be long before the bees start buzzing and ramping up their honey-making for the year. That means it is time again to register your hives.
All beekeepers – even home hobbyists – are required to register their hives with the state. The fees start at just $5 for up to five hives and range up to $300 if you have over 1,000 hives. The registration fees support apiary research projects. For example, fees have been used to support research into Colony Collapse Disorder and colony health.
If you previously registered hives but won't have any in 2017, WSDA requests that you complete the form and indicate that you don't have any hives so that you will be removed from their list.
Registration is due by April 1st and is subject to late fees if not paid by then (no fooling.) You must register your hives each year.
Go to agr.wa.gov/PlantsInsects/Apiary/ to download the registration form. You can also contact the WSDA Pest Program at pestprogram@agr.wa.gov or call them at 360-902-2070 with any questions.