Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The backyard gardener's favorite root vegetable: Carrots

Daniel Schafer

Carrots may be the quintessential backyard or community garden vegetable. They also have quite the
pedigree. Scientists believe these tasty roots originated in present-day Iran and Afghanistan. We also think it was first cultivated by farmers between four and five thousand years ago. In other words, people have been enjoying carrots for a long time!

A Washington state specialty

Carrots grow especially well in Washington. That’s one reason why they’re so popular in backyard and community gardens, as well as among commercial farmers. In fact, Washington is the nation’s #1 producer of processing carrots (we’re the #4 producer of fresh carrots). Each year, about 10,000 acres of carrots are grown in the state, with an annual crop value of about $15 million, according to the Washington State University Extension.

One reason carrot growers are so prolific in Washington is our climate. Carrots want lots of sun but prefer mild temperatures that can offer cool soil. 

Want to learn more about carrot production in Washington? Check out this episode of Washington Grown!

Carrots are packed with things that can help you stay healthy

Growing up, you probably heard that eating carrots is good for your eyes. Good news! Research backs that claim up. In fact, carotenoids, which are found in carrots, may decrease the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
In addition to helping your eyes stay healthy, carrots are a great source of Vitamin A. And if it weren’t for carrots, Americans would have a hard time getting enough of it. That’s because the average American gets about 30% of their Vitamin A from carrots!

Finally, did you know that some varieties of carrots have their own unique benefits? For example, red carrots can help rid your body of toxins.

Carrot season in Washington

Carrots have a long harvesting season. That means, if you love Washington-grown carrots, you’re in luck. You should be able to get your hands on fresh carrots by visiting a nearby farm stand. As autumn begins in Washington, be sure to include plenty of carrots on your plate!