Amber Betts
WSDA Communications
WSDA Staff watch as DFW officers demonstrate how to operate a drone. |
Peeling back the wrapping paper revealing what was inside, my
little brother’s eyes lit up as he realized his gift. He wasted little time
taking his brand new mini drone outside to give it a try, he launched the
inaugural flight, and everyone had a fun time watching has he ran the mini
aircraft into trees and onto the roof of my garage.
I felt that same excitement last month and may have done a
little dance after flying a giant and much more sophisticated version of my
brother’s gift. I met a group of my colleagues in an open field in Prosser,
Washington, to watch a demonstration led by officers of the Washington State
Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW). As WSDA considers whether drones would
make some field work easier to accomplish, we learned about the various types
of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) drones, what it takes to implement a drone
program at a state agency, and what qualifications drone pilots may need.
The Matrice 300, one of the drones demonstrated, waits to take flight. |
Every head turned to the sky as the DFW officer launched the
Matrice 300, one of the types of drones used by the officers. As we watched
what the aircraft could do, WSDA staff discussed the possible ways we could use
a drone. From our dairy inspectors, to our safety officers, and our pesticide
inspectors all of my coworkers had ideas on how this aircraft could make their
job more efficient.
For dairy nutrient inspectors, a drone’s birds-eye view could give a bigger picture of pasture conditions, potentially cutting inspection time significantly.
A drone could help entomologists follow a pest or invasive
species like the Asian giant hornet to its nest with thermal sensors. Drones
could also be fitted with chemical sensors that could detect evidence of pesticide
A staff member operating the drone controls. |
As a professional communicator, I can see countless uses for
video footage and photos to better highlight the work we do.
In addition to learning what the drones could offer our
agency, we also learned some of the regulations and licenses our staff would
have to abide by and obtain in order to operate the drones as part of agency
business. Those operating the aircraft must have a pilot’s license, and maintain
a number of flight hours each year in order to keep that license. While flying,
the aircraft must stay under 400 feet above the ground and all flight plans
must be logged.
Some state agencies are already using drones for their work,
including the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Department of Labor &
Industries, and the Department of Ecology.
At WSDA, the recent demo was a first step in a longer
process to consider whether drones are right for our agency. Next, an internal
group will consider the policies or training that use of drones would require.
A final decision could still be some months away. Stay tuned
to our blog to see what’s next.
Staff looks to the skies as the first drone takes flight. |